Emergency & Urgent Care
What to do in case of an unexpected urgent or emergency pet issue
Help your pet receive prompt care
If you are worried about your pet, we are too! Some medical issues need to be addressed within minutes, and in other cases, treatment is more important for comfort than survival. Here are some things that may help you make a decision – or you can always give us a call!
Assessing the Situation: Is this an Emergency or an Urgent Care Situation for Your Pet?
EMERGENCY: If your pet is showing ANY potentially life-threatening signs you need to get them to the CLOSEST veterinarian immediately. Common signs of a pet emergency are listed here.
URGENT CARE: If your pet is NOT displaying life-threatening symptoms but requires prompt attention, your pet may be eligible for an Urgent Care appointment. Common indications for Urgent Care are listed here. As each of our hospitals has different Urgent Care schedules, please call to get more information or to schedule your pet as soon as possible.
Give us a call
You can call anytime, day or night, if you are unsure if your pet’s situation is an emergency. It is much better to be safe and ask than to worrying and risk further complications.
Chandler: (480) 732-0018
Mesa: (480) 924-1123
North Valley: (623) 849-0700
Be prepared
Having a plan before the emergency happens is the best way to deal with a pet emergency.
Know where to go and who to call in case of a pet emergency. Keep this information close to your phone, on the fridge, or with other important emergency information. This is important both in your own home and while traveling with pets.
Keep your 1st Pet refrigerator magnet in a place where you have easy access during a pet emergency. Don’t have one? Send us an email at [email protected] to request a one.
Use the AAHA-Acredited Hospital Locator to find emergency facilities near your travel destinations.
Keep the Animal Poison Control Center number in an accessible place: (888) 426–4435
1st Pet is The One to Call – 24/7
1st Pet Veterinary Centers is one of the few veterinary hospitals in the region with a board-certified emergency and critical care specialist, Alisa Reniker, DVM, DACVECC, as the Medical Director and highly experienced emergency veterinarians and technicians on staff. That means your pet will always receive the very best and most advanced emergency care available. Additionally, we are accredited by the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA), which ensures that each hospital meets or exceeds the strict requirements that measure medical excellence.