In general, the process of a spay decreases the number of unwanted litters to control the cat and dog population. The process may benefit you as well since it curbs undesirable behaviors in your female pet.
While we all take extra precautions to keep our families safe and healthy during COVID-19, time still moves forward. As pet parents, we continue to choose the role as caregiver to our beloved 4-legged family members. The choice of owning and loving a pet also comes with heavy decisions as they near end of life. […]
To safeguard you and our teams and to comply with all the recommended measures to slow down the spread of Covid-19 we have made the following changes to our operations until further notice.
If you notice that your dog is limping, having trouble getting up, or having trouble going up and down stairs, he or she might be suffering from hip dysplasia. Hip dysplasia is a condition where the thigh bone (femur) of the hind leg doesn’t fit correctly in the pelvic socket. Because the bone doesn’t fit […]
According to one study, around 54.5 percent of people with dogs believe that the traditional surgical spay is best. However, more people are requesting less-invasive spay procedures such as laparoscopic spay. If you have a pet that needs this procedure, learn about the benefits of a laparoscopic spay.
Many feral cats have no desire to become housecats. However, sometimes cats become estranged from their original homes and need new ones. These cats usually present as friendly and willing to re-enter life as a housecat. If you are lucky enough to be approached by such a cat, evaluate if you’re ready to take on […]